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NEWS: [Voir toutes les News]
Sub-Lieutenant George "Jimmy" Green, 551 Flotilla, has died.
We have just learned that Jimmy Green has died. Sub-Lieutenant George Green carried the men of the A company, 116th Regiment, 29th Division onto Dog Green, Omaha Beach on landing craft in the very first minutes of the D-Day invasion on June 6, 1944. Lire plus...
[Posté le: 2016-05-14 09:33:04]
Virginia Beach - Cary Lee Jarvis, 94, of Virginia Beach, died April 28, 2016
He was a staff sergeant when he landed D-Day, first wave, on Omaha beach, a member of the C-Battery of the 111th Artillery Battalion, 29th Division.  Lire plus...
[Posté le: 2016-05-03 19:10:18]
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MUR - EN MEMOIRE DE: [Voir tous les Messages]
I had the great honor of visiting the Normandy American Cemetery in June, 2023. I walked the grounds until I found a Texas soldier. It was that of Edward J Lahaye. It was truly a moving experience. I hoped to reach out to his family with a photo of his cross, but see it is already posted on this
Honoré par Lil Metzger
[Posté le: 2023-07-23 04:48:28]
Today our family remembers our brave husband, father and grandfather who left a wife and daughter to serve and fight for the freedom we enjoy today. Thank you James!!! And, thank you citizens of the Normandy region for your appreciation and gratitude shown during our visits.
Honoré par Jim Shafer
[Posté le: 2023-06-11 01:08:37]
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1st Division, 16th Regiment, Headquarters
0630 - First wave lands. Schedule on beach of Normandy France (see Field 5, Hq CT 16) and meets fierce resistance on beaches. Beach is under heavy machine gun and rifle fire. No advance made inland as beaches were fully covered by pill boxes and mine fields just inland from beaches.
0730 - Forward CP lands. Beach still under small arms and machine gun fire. No advance made inland. Casualties extremely heavy. Slight artillery fire on beach. Heavy machine gun fire covering all exits and the entire beach.
0805 - Rear CP lands. Beach still under heavy fire. CP established on beach and infiltration started thru right flank of area at small beack thru. Mine field cleared out and all troops on beach commence moving off to flank.
0830 - First four prisoners all from 8th Co, 916th Regiment, 352nd Div., brought in.
1000 - CP established just off beach on side of hill at 684895. Battalions are moving forward, but are out of contact with regimental CP. Beach and entire territory still under heavy fire and companies are meeting heavy resistance. Several landing craft have received hits and troops still landing on the beach are receiving artillery fire, causing medium casualties. Things are becoming organized, however, and the situation is beginning to clear.
1055 - 1st and 2nd Bns. get contact with the Regimental CP and are moving forward slowly, hitting very heavy resistance.
1115 - CO to CO 2nd Bn - 2nd Bn. is to hold up at point 38. Do not move further forward until you hear from us.
1120 - S-3 to S-3 1st Bn - Hold up at 38. Right, and we have contact with 2nd Bn. The 5th Co. is reported to be located at Surrain.
1135 - Negative report to Division by radio.
1145 - S-3 to 1st Bn., 18th has landed. They will go in on your right. They will take your objective. You did in and prepare for a counterattack. OK. A is on the right, C on the left, with B Co. following. We are still advancing slowly.
1145 - S-3 to CO 2nd Battalion - I talked to Capt. Smith and told his about the 18th. How soon can you move the rear part of your CP here by us up forward. We have someone on the way back now to pick them up and guide them forward.
1205 - 1st Bn to CO - Can we get any tanks up to Colleville-sur-Mer? A: No, none of them are up to here yet. They aren't off the beach. However, as soon as we can possible get anything up, we will shoot it up to you. Keep yelling for it.