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NEWS: [See all News]
Raymond S. HOBACK - 29th Division.
Bedford Boys Fallen - Raymond Samuel HOBACK never had a chance to reach 100 years old today. Instead, he sacrified his life for our freedom... Raymond may have made it out of his landing craft, but he never made it to shore. Others recall seeing his body in the water. Bedford also failed to make in on the beach. He was killed by an exploding 88mm shell. Their time in the battle could be measured in minutes... [American D-Day facebookRead more...
[Posted: 2020-01-21 22:40:05]
RIP - Robert GIGUERE - Navy.
It is with heavy heart we learn the passing of Mr. Robert GIGUERE, a veteran of D-Day (Normandy)... He was 93... Four days earlier, Giguere rode across the choppy English Channel toward the Normandy coast with the Sixth Naval Beach Battalion. When his carrier grounded on the beach, a Teller mine detonated from beneath and tore through the ship's hull, Killing several soldiers below deck... [American D-Day facebookRead more...
[Posted: 2020-01-21 22:58:23]
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WALL - IN MEMORY OF: [See all Messages]
This hero was a cousin I never met. I am aware of family details, but they are private. I try to post a picture on Facebook in his honor every D-Day remembrance day.
Honored by Constance Brodish
[Posted: 2024-06-12 20:46:41]
Remembering you today, Uncle Jack, on the 80th anniversary of D-Day. I shall NEVER forget your service and your sacrifice. May God hold you in the palm of His hand, until we meet, again.
Honored by Diane Mulvey
[Posted: 2024-06-06 18:50:12]
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1st Division, 16th Regiment, 1st Bn., B Co.
Boats were lowered from the APA at 0555 hours 6 June. The landing craft put the company ashore on Easy Red at 9755 amidst heavy artillery and small arms fire. Practically all the proceeding waves were still pinned down on the beach. Company Headquarters LCVP received two direct hits, probably 47mm, and it began sinking just as its personnel landed. The company moved up to the wire and section leaders did an excellent job of hasty reorganization. Five breaches in the wire having been made by company A were used to clear the beach. The first and third assault sections made very good use of their smoke grenade at the wire barrier and in the field beyond, as both were being swept by enemy fire. The company could not contact battalion with the SCR 300 radio set as it had been lost when the operator was wounded. The minefield in front of the wire and one FPL on the far side of the minefield took their toll of casualties as the company moved off the beach. The fifth and third sections tried to advance over the first high ground and were pinned down by enemy machine gun, sniper fire in the second minefield, reached the top of the ridge 400 yards to the left of Exit E-1. Battalion CP was located and the company was ordered to take up positions to the right of company C. The company then moved about 1-1/2 miles inland and reached a point just to the right of Colleville where it was held up by and enemy strong point and was forcered to spend the night in the spot. Enemy activity was encountered through the night and small enemy groups tried to penetrate the positions. The enemy strong point was neutralized about 1030 D+1 and the 18th Infantry moved up on the right flank. The company then moved forward about 600 yards and took up positions on the high ground overlooking Surrain to the south. Here they spent the second night and part of the third day. Second section patrols located a German bicycle battalion bivouac area deserted except for one sniper who was eliminated.